Adobe Visual Syllabus
Adobe Visual Syllabus
Career and Technical Education
Teacher: Mrs. Brooke Wheeles
Email: [email protected]
This course is a project-based course that develops ICT, career, and communication skills in print and graphic design using Adobe tools. This course is aligned to Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator certification. English language arts are reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include job shadowing. Apprenticeship and cooperative education are possible for this course. SkillsUSA competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.
1.00 |
Apply procedures to use Adobe Photoshop for visual communications. |
1.01 |
Understand project requirements using photographs. |
1.02 |
Understand Digital Images. |
1.03 |
Understand Adobe Photoshop CC interface. |
1.04 |
Apply procedures to create images using Adobe Photoshop CC. |
1.05 |
Apply procedures to publish digital images using Adobe Photoshop CC. |
2.00 |
Apply procedures to use Adobe Illustrator for visual communications. |
2.01 |
Understand project requirements for vector graphics. |
2.02 |
Understand digital graphics and illustrations. |
2.03 |
Understand Adobe Illustrator CC interface. |
2.04 |
Apply procedures to create digital graphics and illustrations using Adobe Illustrator CC. |
2.05 |
Apply procedures to archive, export, and publish graphics using Adobe Illustrator CC. |
3.00 |
Apply procedures to use Adobe InDesign for visual communications. |
3.01 |
Understand project requirements for graphic layouts. |
3.02 |
Understand print and digital media publications using Adobe InDesign CC. |
3.03 |
Understand Adobe InDesign CC interface. |
3.04 |
Apply procedures to create print and digital media publications using Adobe InDesign CC. |
3.05 |
Apply procedures to publish, export, and archive page layouts using Adobe InDesign CC. |
Grading Criteria
The grading criteria is broken into classroom quizzes, tests, projects and the final assessment. This content prepares students for the following Adobe Certified Associate exams:
- Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop.
- Graphic Design and Illustration using Adobe Illustrator
- Print & Digital Media Publication using Adobe InDesign
Grading Scale
Major Works............60%
Test, projects, presentations, etc.
Minor Works ......... 40%
Quizzes, classwork, notebooks, journals
TOTAL 100%
Class Expectations and Policies:
All students should be mature, motivated, and willing to broaden their understanding of the course material, and be ready, willing, and able to work hard every day. This course is demanding, and successful completion requires full determination and dedication from beginning to end.
- Log onto the computer and begin the daily assignment upon entering the classroom.
- Respect your teacher, your classmates, and the equipment.
- Be quiet and respectful when the teacher is talking or when a student is asking/answering a
- Food and drink are not allowed so as to protect the equipment.
- Projects and Assignments will have specific deadlines that must be met.
- Follow DCS Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources: Students will receive a copy of this
policy and it will be covered on the first day of school. Students and parents will be asked
to sign that they have read and understand the policy.
- Only view videos/listen to music with teacher permission; downloading and streaming are
not allowed because they slow down the school-wide network.
- Instant messaging programs/games are not allowed on school computers.
- Put all materials away at the end of the class, leaving area neat with chairs pushed under
10.Teacher dismisses class – not the bell (NO LINING UP AT THE DOOR).
All school policies and classroom rules will be rigidly enforced -- no exceptions!
Students must be familiar with and abide by the guidelines in the Student Handbook pertaining to
such areas as discipline, attendance, appearance, electronics policy, academic honesty, etc.
Missed Assignments
All projects and assignments may be accessed through Canvas website anywhere there is an Internet connection. Independent assessments and projects must be completed by the deadlines.
Students absent from class for any reason will be expected to obtain and make up missed work by the deadlines. (please see me if you have extenuating circumstances) Make up work must be completed within 5 days of absence. The student should refer to the website for handouts, homework, announcements, etc.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is crucial in all classes. The attendance policy, as well as, other policies outlined in the Central Davidson High School Handbook will be followed. If a student is absent it is the student’s responsibility to ask for any missed work.
- All assignments must be saved as last name, first name-assignment (ex. Wheeles,Brooke-sandwich) in the upper right-hand corner of the paper.
- Any cheating will result in a zero.
Please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns.
Below you will find my schedule. E-mail is the quickest way for me to respond, however I can take phone calls during my planning and before/after school.
Period Time Class
1st Period |
8:00 - 9:35 |
Adobe Visual |
2nd Period |
9:41 - 11:16 |
Planning |
3rd Period |
11:22 - 1:24 |
Multimedia Web Design |
1st Lunch |
11:16 – 11:44 |
2nd Lunch |
11:51 – 12:16 |
3rd Lunch |
12:21 – 12:46 |
4th Lunch |
12:57 – 1:24 |
4th Period |
1:30 – 3:05 |
Career Management |
Statement of Student/Teacher/Parent or Guardian Understanding
We, the undersigned, understand the syllabus for Mrs. Wheeles class at Central Davidson High School as presented in the previous document and hereby pledge to work together in accordance with stated expectations and policies. We understand that Mrs. Wheeles will make herself available to the student and parent/guardian by appointment. Please email Mrs. Wheeles at [email protected] or call the school at 336-357-2920, to arrange a convenient time for all parties involved.
Adobe Visual
TEXT TO: 81010
MESSAGE: @advisual
Student Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________
Parent/Guardian signature: ____________________ Date: ____________
Parent phone numbers: Home: ______________ Cell:_________________ Work: _________________
Parent email addresses: ______________________________
Student email address: ___________________________________
Remind code: