Remote Learning Info & Resources

DCS has provided detailed information regarding remote learning for parents and students, in the event of a remote learning day. Please click the above link for technical instructions, FAQs, and teacher/student expectations. Students should contact their teachers via email if they have questions or need help.

In the event of a remote learning day, teachers will:

  • Post/share information about the day’s learning and assignments by 8:30 a.m. via Remind, student email, or Canvas
  • Provide expectations and guidance for the day and review how to communicate with the teacher if needed
  • Use Google Meet for help sessions (not required to be held for direct instruction)
  • Hold office hours for a minimum of 3 hours for video conferencing. Share these hours with families/students in the morning communication
  • Offer asynchronous digital opportunities for continued learning
  • Understand that students may have to complete assignments/tasks upon return to school.
  • Take attendance daily in PowerSchool. (May adjust attendance based on work completion up to 5 days after returning to school from a remote learning day.
  • ESL teachers will share a message by 8:30 a.m. via email with students served that day. 

In the event of a remote learning day, students will:

  • Check-in for daily attendance
  • Contact the teacher or attend office hours if help is needed
  • Complete Canvas assignments
  • Turn in assignments within 5 days of the remote instruction day
  • Students with limited connectivity should contact teachers to request offline assignments

Documents for Support

Remote Learning Preparation for Students & Families

Remote Learning FAQs

Remote Learning FAQs Spanish

Please visit the DCS website for additional information, resources, and guidance.

DCS Remote Learning Page